
Poll of the day

I'm trying to decide which Baylor decal to get for my car. I can't decide, so I thought I would ask all of you! Comment and let me know what you think.... pro's, con's, all of it. For you car purists (yes, you know who you are!), NOT having a decal isn't an option here. I may decide not to declare school loyalty via my car afterall, but that's a poll for another day.

Without further ado, your choices are the following:

A. A raised chrome (like your standard Jesus fish decals) "BU", on the bottom right under the fish:

B. A standard plastic, white "Baylor" decal, to go on the bottom of the rear windshield:

What do Y'ALL think? (NO I do not actually talk like that.... yet.................)


Anonymous said...

LOL ... I know it's not an option but I am going to choose it anyways ... no decals please. LOL


stephanie said...

You BUM. Answer my question. I'm going to ask you when I talk to you next - you don't get away that easily!

Unknown said...

i like the window one :)

And to REAAALLY bug frank, i'll go to pacific mall and get you a nice big TRD sticker to put on the front windshield haha

carmen said...

if it matches the fish, i think it'd look nice underneath. a subtle classy flare. the windshield one is too american! :P

Chung said...

option c! option c!

what!? not allowed!? boo... okioki, to be more constructive, i'll vote for the windshield one. seems too crowded if you put it under the Jesus fish.

btw, cal got me this plastic mango pudding keychain thing he got from hong kong, and it's currently hanging on my rearview mirror! yum!

stephanie said...

hahaha.... mango pudding eh? is it edible?? :p or does it just make you want to eat it!!

Denise said...

Hello my dear!

I like the back windshield sticker :) option B for me! (that rhymes!)

sonj said...

i vote for the sticker too!!!