
Just so happens....

It just so happened that on day 2....
.... it rained and poured like I haven't experienced since Leon.... and then some.
.... the wipers on the van were not working.
.... the mechanic we ended up at to fix said wipers loves Jesus (small ray of sunshine during an afternoon of hurdles!).
.... that said mechanic worked his magic so that - even without a replacement part - we were soon on the road again.
.... because of said rain, we ended up at a super nice hotel for the night, and everyone got a good night's rest.

It just so happened that when we arrived in Waco....
.... we made it just in time before the office closed to pick up apartment keys.
.... that upon entering said apartment, we discovered that it wasn't such a steal afterall. BUT it also just so happened that,
.... I hadn't yet been asked to sign a lease or put in a deposit, so we were free to look for another flat for me.
.... we chose to stay at a certain hotel that night.... the only one I was familiar with in town.

And the next day, it just so happened that....
.... we spotted an apartment/residence community across the street.
.... the community was beautiful and safe.
.... they were renting out two bedroom units by the room, and I got to choose!
.... the flat I ended up with is nicer and bigger than I ever expected I could get (it has a washer and dryer in the unit!!), and certainly nothing I would have found if I hadn't been here looking.
.... (we were admittedly a bit dissappointed at the time) the flat wasn't ready until the next week.
.... Dad was able to get ahold of Cal's friend (whom we had never met).
.... he graciously invited us to stay with him for the weekend.
.... he was scheduled to leave town the day after I could move in.
.... we made a new friend and had some great times of fellowship.
.... because we got to stay with him, we had a guide for our first few days in this new town.

Also, it just so happened that....
.... because I moved in after Ben arrived, we had his strength to move the heavy stuff. :p
.... since we had to get/bring Ben to the Houston airport, I got to tack on two trips to IKEA to get furniture.
.... because my family was here, I didn't have to find my way around and figure everything out on my own.
.... the apartment managers found me a housemate (as much as I wanted to at first, I realized that living on my own wasn't really what I wanted afterall).
.... she didn't move in (bringing her U-Haul and her family) until my family (and all their things) had left.
.... she is in Fine Arts, which will keep me sane and from drowning in science. ;)


It just so happened that on the drive down, Mum and I had been reminded of a thing called providence.

Just so happens.

1 comment:

carmen said...

Sounds a whole great deal like my first few weeks here. It just so happens that I used those same 4 words to express the incredulity of His providence as well (in HH#1 if you recall!). oh, and it just so happens that I listened to that very same message on the plane coming over to Taiwan before moving in.

God is too awesome!
glad to you know you are doing well, my dear. Look forward to sharing more stories sometime in the near future ^^