
From the road - day 1:


carmen said...

stephieeee! i miss u soooo much already!! you're right, it's totally different now that the "roles" are reversed. ;) i'm much better at going away myself than seeing others leave! well, i am doing that in a few days' time anyway..hehe.

it's funny, isn't it, how much more "real" we naturally become when the illusion of permanence, of life going the way it always has, is lifted? that was one thing i've enjoyed about moving around so much. reminds yourself (and those around you) that nothing on this earth is forever... and you'd better take advantage of every moment God has granted you, live it in a way that makes Him look like your treasure, because that's the one thing that is forever!

"Wherever you are, be all there. Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God." - Jim Elliot

hugs from the north :)

Denise said...

Oscar Mayer is owned by Kraft :)

I'm glad to hear you're alive and safe!!

stephanie said...

HAHAHAHAHA..... Kraft must love you.... you are so loyal! :D