good gracious...... my brain has never felt so FULL before! "full capacity" has just taken on a whole new meaning for me....... it totally does not help that the two subjects i'm studying for simultaneously are totally different and all the terms from both subjects are getting combined into one long word list in my head..... isn't that lovely. "phalanx" and "trepanning" are getting mixed up with terms like "hydraulic gradient" and "salt intrusion". greeeeeat. they'll be all nicely amalgamated by the time my exam rolls around tomorrow evening........
just wanted to show carmie the product of my procrastination earlier today (i promise i was much more focused after this!) -- aren't they perty?? ^-^
oh my gosh! those are sooo pretty steph! you are SO talented :)
So my roommate and i went to this artisan fair easter monday...and there were people selling earrings for like 20 bucks... and they weren't even half as nice as yours! beeautiful.
c'est tres belle
^-^ thank yooz! i was wondering that..... carmie and i were thinking of making things and seeing if they'd sell at a garage sale, so i was gonna ask ppl how much they would be willing to pay for earrings like those.
Should be expecting a new line of SW accessories at the local jewelry store soon? :) that's Steph Wong (SW), not Star Wars... :P haha
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