
why helloooooo! it's been awhile hasn't it? weeell, several ppl have mentioned my lack of posts, so i figured that it's high time that i post a quickie, even if it isn't about anything worthwhile. *grin* just a shout-out to let u know that i AM still alive! *heehee* in actuality, i did have another longish post all typed up, only that got erased somehow, and at that point my patience was no more, so i didn't want to type it all up again. if this happens AGAIN this time, i am gonna be soooo super mad!

alright then, quick update, although most of u prolly know how life goes at the moment. ^-^

well, school's done..... i have nthg to complain about, praise God! i don't know yet if i'm on the dean's list this year (fingers crossed that i'll get my scholarship back!), but i'll leave that up to The Big Guy too.

He blessed me with a job! for which i am MOST thankful! ^-^ it's so difficult to get hired these days..... they all want someone "with experience"..... but, pray tell, HOW does one go about getting experience if no one hires u?! i work at a little bookshop..... (havenbooks) they're not that busy in the summer (actually, not at all... yesterday work consisted of eating pizza, chatting a whole lot, vacuming the store, and playing 'net games.... with a few customers thrown in *grin*), so i don't get many hours, but i still love the job...... my bosses are all kewl as well. ^-^ and then there's my ongoing job tutoring rachel, carmen's little cousin.

hmm what else? i went to see shrek 2 last nite with my siblings.... it was hilarious. definitely go see it....... maybe not on the big screen, but definitely go see it. and see it through to the end.... there's a lil' tidbit after the credits finish rolling. watched miss. universe too.... hey carmen, remember that year we watch miss.america and i picked miss. hawaii who won? it happened again! this time i picked miss australia. *heehee*

hmm, i can't think of what else to post about...... plus stargate (on tv) is pulling at my attention. until next time.....

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